The purpose of life is to come to the realization of who we are, who everyone else is, and finally to the great understanding that we are all one.

A thousand bubbles were floating on the surface of a stream. “What are you?” I cried to them as they drifted by. A thousand bubbles quickly answered, “I’m a bubble, of course,” But there was a troubled indignation and displeasure in their voices as they passed. But a single bubble answered, “We are this stream”, and there was neither indignation nor displeasure in his voice… just a quiet peacefulness.

Western culture has evolved from the concept that God stands outside a universe made up of a collection of separate and individual parts. But at the quantum level there exists an interconnectedness which precludes anything from existing in isolation - an energy exchange that can only be described as Oneness. This was proven in the early part of the 20th century when quantum physics proved that everything is part of one field of cosmic energy - and no-thing can exist outside of it. Our sense of separateness arises only when we identify with the body. But we are more than the bodies that we project. We are really made up of frequency vibrations in the energy field.

Einstein called the material world a “stubbonly persistent illusion”. But science today can explain how the brain allows us to translate “non-local” energy into “local” forms which appear as material.

But if quantum oneness is the real reality and the separation that exists in the material realm only an illusion, what happens to the belief systems that dominate Western religious thought? A good percentage of Bible teachings will be rendered invalid by these discoveries, but does that mean the life and teachings of Jesus will be discredited as well? No. Jesus knew the unified nature of the universe and how it would shed new light on the significance of our lives. When he said, “If you do it to the least of these you have done it unto me,” he knew it was because we are all part of the one thing there is - made in the image and likeness of God. Quantum physics is saying the same thing in different terminology - we are all made from the same energy. 

Such an understanding of reality would unite humanity and elevate it to its rightful inclusion in that which we call God. We would know the magnificence of who we are, and more importantly, who everyone else is.

I’m reminded of a kids’ toy in the ‘60s called Lite Brite. It consisted of clear little pegs that appeared as different colors when you inserted them into a board. But when you lifted the board you could see the source of all those colors. It was one white light. The many colors were only manifestations of the one light there was. And so it is with us. We are all manifestations of the one life there is. We are all manifestations of God.

Yet this awareness is still in its infancy. Oneness remains the toughest concept for human beings to accept. The largest number of us can’t seem to embrace the idea that God loves all people without requirements or conditions. 

But we’re getting there. Some day Oneness will become our reality and selfish, hurtful, and malicious behavior will be eliminated from the human experience and peace will come to our planet.

Jim Pons