We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.

It’s so strange to find myself thinking that five years ago were the good old days. Our whole world seems to have changed overnight. Are things really as bad as they appear today, or is it just the uncomfortable truth about what we’ve become that is being revealed.

I’ve been asking myself what is the root cause of the turmoil and unrest we’re seeing today? The virus that overtook the world in 2020 and forced us all inside? That certainly caused people to behave erratically. Weather systems are showing signs of ecological collapse. Well established economies are crumbling. Politics have turned into a madhouse of disorder. Or is it race relations? Is it the end of the world as we’ve known it? No. Sometimes we invite difficult things into our lives that help us to grow. I say it’s simply a course correction in our spiritual evolution.

I believe our anxiety and its resultant chaotic behavior is because the God we have believed in, prayed to, and based our lives on, is slowly losing his credibility. We feel lost without him. Who can we pray to? Who is going to protect us? Who are we, and what have our lives amounted to if we have been wrong about him? Frightening thoughts to be sure. 

But God’s  truth is marching on. First he must trample down the vintage where the grapes of ancient beliefs are stored, beliefs that have separated us from him, and from each other. It is a change of historical proportions, but a necessary one for the survival of the species. It’s only chaotic and fearful because some of us feel the need to hold on to things the way they used to be. They will come around. Humanity is moving out of the mythical stage of its spiritual development into a rational understanding of who God is. He may be leaving his heavenly home but fear not. He is getting ready to appear again like he did in Jesus.

Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit greeting that means, “The God in me beholds the God in you.” That’s because God is the life in all of us.

I know how hard it can be to accept that idea. That’s because so many of us don’t act like it. I still curse at someone who pulls his car in front of me without signaling. But at least I’m seeing myself do it and remembering who it is I really am - a small step maybe, but one in the right direction. The truth is, it will never be possible to see God in others until we have seen God in ourselves. I need to say that again. It will never be possible to see God in others until we have seen God in ourselves. Think for a minute what Namaste could do for race relations.

In God’s new home there will be no reason to marginalize others who don’t look the way we do, think the way we do, or love the way we do. The idea of “others” is what has caused our dysfunction in the first place. There are no others. There is only one of us. Maybe that’s what Jesus meant when he said, “If you do it to the least of these you have done it unto me.”

Old ways of thinking about God are being made new, and they have a chance to save the world. The turbulence we’re feeling is just the storm before the calm.


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